Sunday, July 21, 2013

Refreshing mojito, alcohol free

A top rank alcohol free cocktail with green lime and peppermint leaves

The best friends are those who you can just go and knock on their door without arranging the visit for weeks ahead. Sure, sometimes it is useful to plan ahead, but the possibility to drop by a friend´s house after a long day on your feet adds something precious to life´s course.

On one of these hot summer days we landed at our friend M´s place. A man of style. I always have a tingling sense of excitement somewhere inside in anticipation to be treated to a heart throbbing cafe latte, a piece of fine salmon and dill quiche, a piquant plate of pasta, something new, gravitating towards decadence.

This time the welcome rolled into a thirst quenching cocktail that swept the tiredness from our swollen feet and put back the briskness into the sweating mind.

Alcohol-free mojito
Ingredients for 1 cocktail:
Juice of 1 lime (the green one)
1 Tbsp brown sugar
A handful of crushed ice
0.5-1dl cranberry juice
2dl soda water
Fresh peppermint leaves

Squeeze the juice of one lime into a long glass, drop the rest of the lime into the glass too. Add sugar and peppermint leaves and give them a squeeze with a wooden cocktail stick to dissolve the sugar and release the peppermint flavour. Crush the ice with a blender or if no such appliance is near, wrap the ice cubes into a clean kitchen towel and beat the ice with an empty pan for a few times.
Add cranberry juice and soda water.

Serve with a straw.